
Designed to teach students the foundational principles of marketing in the digital age, this course uses current case studies and engaging, real-world scenarios to help students recognize and analyze marketing in business as well as in everyday life. Curated OER readings, videos, simulations and other learning activities introduce students to the principles of marketing. Unlike some marketing texts that treat digital marketing as an add-on, these course materials incorporate the use of data, digital communications and digital marketing strategies throughout the course, reflecting modern marketing in practice.

This course was developed by Lumen Learning. Primary sources for the course include Introducing Marketing by John Burnett, Boundless Marketing, and videos provided by the BBC.

Lumen OER courses apply learning science to engage students and better support the learning process. Lumen materials aim to deliver an active learning experience. They include text, images, videos, assessments, directed feedback, practice questions, simulations, and other interactives that invite students to apply their knowledge, improve their understanding, and perform better. Term over term, Lumen’s Waymaker courseware makes it possible to use learning data to identify where content improvements are needed. We work collaboratively with faculty and subject matter experts to develop and test iterative, continuous improvements aimed at increasing efficacy and learning.

Principles of Marketing is available as a Waymaker course.

  • Waymaker: User-friendly digital courseware with data-driven learning design, personalization, and messaging tools that can increase student engagement, persistence, and passing rates.

What People Are Saying

Monroe and Rockland Community College logos


This course is used at Monroe Community College and Rockland Community College.

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